Coaching programmes
ADHD coaching programme
This ADHD coaching and coping strategy training programme will help you to understand how to manage your ADHD (or other neurodivergent conditions), how to start being kinder to yourself and ensure you become the best you can be. These are usually run in blocks of six or twelve sessions.
Each hour-long virtual session held weekly with Hester, will ensure that you learn that you have strategies to implement in your work and home life.
You’ll have worksheets and quizzes to complete in between sessions.
Accountability Partner
In-between the ADHD coaching sessions you will have access to Hester to ensure that you are held accountable, or if you need some help and support.
Via Whatsapp or email, Hester will ensure that you feel empowered in between our weekly ADHD coaching sessions.
How you’ll feel
At the end of the ADHD coaching programme, you’ll feel more in control and have the toolkit you need to thrive. You’ll be more confident and able to harness your amazing ADHD strengths and not focus on your weaknesses.
PS This coaching is also for anyone with a neurodivergent condition or those who want coaching through an ADHD lens.
Get in touch for a FREE discovery call.
1 hr - Parent coaching session
Whether you are a neurodivergent parent yourself, or you are parenting neurodivergent children (or both) Hester can help.
Parenting her own children who are autistic / ADHD / dyspraxic, Hester understands the support that parents of SEND children need.
Hester has lived and learned experience of neurodiversity and also has an NCFE CACHS Level 2 certificate in Understanding Autism.
How you’ll feel
You will be able to understand your awesome neurodivergent child and how you can support them to be the best they can. You’ll also learn how to take time for yourself so you can reset.
Did you know that you can get Coping Strategy Training / ADHD coaching funded through Access to Work? Find out more here.
1 hr - Speedy brain session
If you have a speedy brain and are looking for one-off ADHD coaching you’ve come to the right place. Maybe you want to work through a particular problem or are looking for some strategies to implement, whatever it is, Hester can help.
During the hour-long virtual coaching session, Hester can work through any barriers you are facing, to help you move forward, understand your speedy brain, helping you to thrive.
How you’ll feel
At the end of our 60 minute session you’ll leave feeling that you can move forward, having a better understanding of how your brain works and feeling more confident in yourself.
Want support from just £4.49?
Check out our ADHD planners
The A4 printable downloadable digital ADHD family planners consists of daily, weekly and monthly planning templates, with inspirational quotes and ADHD friendly tips throughout. The ADHD family planner is perfect for ensuring you and your family have all your plans in one place. The Back to School planner is perfect for getting set for the new school year.
They are the ideal way to keep track of important events, meetings, appointments and more.
The planners will help people and their families with ADHD to create structure in their home and work life and feel in control.